who are you?

i’m Alegría, i’m not too fussed about the fancy accent. i’m an award-winning* screenwriter, director, essayist and scarily good at marketing. i, like everyone born after the internet boom, gain lots of serotonin via approval from online strangers. i wasn’t hugged much as kid. okay, that’s my first lie. my au pair was very hands on.


yes. not to be confused with a rather large north African country.

what is hONest?

this is a bi-whenever* inbox offering where i’ll share brief essays on a range of topics as genuinely as i can; but they’ll mostly fall into the buckets of selfhood, culture, spirituality, relationships, career/creativity and health, all types.

do you write other types of essays?

so funny you should ask!

besides hONest essays, i also assault you with:

  • PAWP-culcha: which looks at the world according to me and patterns I’ve noticed returning, emerging or dying

  • RE:WORK: which is a chance to share snippets of random pieces from times forgotten or get into the weeds of balancing creating and existing

  • stuffANDthings: which are not driven by a theme but literally stuff and things which shape a new mindset, discovery or is just really fucking cool

why did you give us this?

according to the four therapists i ghosted last year, i appear to have a deep-seated fear of long-term commitment. as you can imagine, this is frustrating for both partners and network providers. so, i thought i’d encourage the habit of realistic consistency as well as keep my writing muscle flexed.

you write? prove it.

wow, sure ok. head over to my website slash portfolio. if you would like to pay me to ramble for your publication, i welcome it. just shoot me an email.

how’d i keep up to date?

if you’re like me, anything besides sleep feels like manual labour. so, once you subscribe my existential screams will be in your inbox once the spirit takes me, with a re-send if i didn’t get a loud enough applause. i plan to keep this up until i finally hit my “big break”.

how’d i subscribe?

click here

speaking of screams, i hate to read. can i listen instead?

you sure can. there’ll be an audio link to each essay so you can hear me speak directly to you. my tone of voice has previously been described as “surprising soporific, no offence”.

cool! i’m subscribing now

okay, thanks. tell a friend to tell a friend.

two random questions

so, what happens when you finally go big time?

beats me. might charge you lot, lmao.

why don’t you use capital letters?

idk, i just find them oppressive.

Subscribe to hONest

essays on the existential and cultural fibs that make society.


screenwriter, director and essayist fuelled by intensity and an expensive jewellery habit